In the dark months of the year, celebrate the machine at

Alternative Party 2008

The Alternative Party 2008 - 24.-26. October at Cable Factory, Helsinki - is a festival of digital culture and a demoparty which gathers together creative people of all kinds: visualists, musicians, designers, programmers, researchers, passionate enthusiasts and people like you and me. This year we go back to the very birth of computers: the Victorian era with steam engines, Charles Babbage and the industrial revolution - to the age of steampunk.

These may also be of intrest: Results, YouTube channel, Picture gallery!

And remember to leave your Feedback. We'd love to get it!


Highlights of the program

Front 242 Brad Templeton

demoscene competitions and shows - computer exhibition - art exhibition
music: Brad Templeton - Front 242 - Kosmoplovci - UX - Desert Planet - DJ Proteus
workshops and presentations - On-location bar and café